Month: October 2009

  • ***** Check Protected  — New Photos up *****



    Haven’t been posting, but have been lurking.    The words don’t seem easy right now, and I just don’t want to spew forth with a bunch of negitivity or come off as always crabby and bitter.  I’m really not at all that way.  Well, sometimes I am .

    I have baby gifts almost finished for a couple of my Xangans and swear they will get to you before the kids start school.

    Things with the store continue the downhill slide.  Lots of ebay, but not enough it seems.  All the wedding dresses, save 4 are gone and went at about 25% of the wholesale cost, but at least they generated a bit of the rent.  Listing of shoes got nowhere at all. 

    Fabric moves a bit, I need to be listing more and more. 

    Spent a couple of weeks in a drug induced funk by mistake. Seems one of my blood pressure pills and a pill for insomia looked too much alike to me so I was taking a sleeping pill in the morning and zombing through the day and then awake most of the night, repeat, repeat, etc.  Of course neight I or the Dr. realized what I was doing so it just continued on until I decided to make a pill chart one night (when I couldn’t sleep of course) and discovered.  I am such a doof!

    When to see about a Chapter 13, but seems we do not qualify for that.  We don’t want to shurk our debts, we just want to be able to stretch the payments out.  How sick is it that you don’t qualify to file bankruptcy?

    But I have tons of good in my life, fantastic family and faithful friends and I am beyond blessed and grateful.  Just struggling to remember that sometimes.