Month: July 2010

  • Weekend list

    Laundry Done

    Sweep all floors  Done

    Mop all floors Done

    Vaccum floors Done

    Clean up Sunshines roomDone

    Clean middle roomDone

    Dust and clean desk Done

    Go thru window seatDone

    Sew frogs

    Make laundry soap

    Finish blanket for J

    Take pictures of dresses for Ebay

    Do Craigslist for printers and carseats


    Well, that ought to be enough to get me going for now….

  • So we survived court. Sort of

    Went in, watched the video, went outside. Looked at the property manager and said “We got nothing” No money, no hope of money, and no answers

    To his credit, he wasn’t an ass at all. Good. We told him we know we broke the lease – DUH! If we could pay the rent we would still be there.

    Truth is, we made just under $17,000 last year at the shop. The rent alone was $1700 a month, from January to July and then the amended amount was $850 a month. Do not need to be a genius to figure out we were not making it.

    So he asks what we want to do, and we tell him that the most we could do, and it would still be a major risk, is $100 a month.  Surprise – he actually called the owners and presented it to them and they said ok shocked.  So better than the alternatives, wage garnishment, lien on the house, etc., but still – where are we going to find another $100 when we are already sinking faster that the Titanic ?  It will work out.  I know. I have faith.  I will find a job, I am trying to get some tutoring at the college, and I will get more fabric on Ebay and get the last of the formals listed, we will sell them for whatever we can get.


    Today I had my Sunshineman. Always a silly fun guy, he has discovered video games and is hooked. I usually am a real stickler on them, but today Nana let the boy play.  He was in heaven!  A whole hour!  lol.  Usually he gets 15 min that is really 30.  

  • Heading for court … I think I might barf.

  • Well Your Honor…..

    It is going to be an interesting week.  

    First,  The landlord for the shop is suing us, so we go to court on Wednesday.  We were lucky we even found out about it at all.  We got a notice of continuance and thought “WTF?”  So off to the courthouse where we are told that we were served papers, when we were not.  So we go and get a copy of the papers and then they say that makes us served. Sigh. At least they approved a further continuance so we could try to get paperwork together – for what it is worth. 

    We really have nothing in the way of defense. Nada.  All we can do is tell the judge the same things we told the landlord.  They told us we should try to sublet, that they would let us. We tried, but when people found out that they could rent for a lot less from the owners directly, well let’s just say it didn’t work out.  

    We tried everything we could think of. We really, really tried.  

    Cashed in, sold off, begged, borrowed, and above all prayed.  We worked hard and hoped. And it didn’t work. We lost every cent we had, and went way too far into debt trying to keep it afloat.  It will take us years, if we can do it at all, to get out of this.

    Now we are tired. Broke, and tired.  Praise God that we have friends who stand by ready with hugs, kind words, and a bit of grocery $$.  It has been very humbling. 

    Hold good thoughts for us. 


    On a much, much happier note, my middle God daughter is going to have her first child on Monday!  I am sooo excited!  She is over the moon excited about the coming baby, a little girl.  I so wanted to be there. But I have the Sunshineman on Monday and Tuesday, and of course there is court on Wednesday.  Friday I am flying up. A major benefit of my guy working for the airline industry is that no cost flying. heart

    I have been working on paperwork all day and hope to get the taxes done tomorrow.  That way I can clean this messy house. lol.  I swear I could clean for 10 hours a day and still have more to do. Oh well, Praise God for a house to clean! 


    Good night all